Step-by-Step Instructions

VEND-1 (Input or Correction of a Vendor)

Access: From the Master Directory select directory #25 (Vendors).


(Vendor Number) To search for a vendor number input "??", or input "T' followed by the first characters of the vendor name. For example: The vendor's name is Express Inc. Input "?E" and all vendors beginning with "E" will be displayed. Input "?Exp" and all vendors beginning with "Exp" will be displayed. If the vendor does not exist in the system, press Shift 3 (#) to assign a system-generated number to the vendor.  * To avoid duplication always check the vendor list before entering a new vendor.
2. (Ship From Name) Input the vendor's ship from name.
3. (Ship From Address Line 1) Input the vendor's ship from street address.
4. (Ship From Address Line 2) Input the vendor's ship from street address. This could be a Box or Route #.
5. (Ship From City) Input the vendor's ship from city.
6. (Ship From State/Country Code) Input the vendor's state, country or providence code. Input "??" to search for the code. If the code does not exist, create a new code from this field.
7. (Zip or Postal Code) Input the vendor's ship to zip code or postal code.
8. (Pay To Name) This pay to name is the name that will be printed on cash disbursement checks. After entering the ship from name and address into fields 2-7, type "SAME" in this field, and the system will copy the ship from name and address into the pay to fields. Input this name if the vendor has a different pay to name.
9. (Pay To Address Line 1) After entering the ship from name and address into fields 2-7 and then typing "SAME" in field 8, the system automatically copies this information into the pay to fields. Input this street if the vendor has a different pay to street address.
10. (Pay To Address Line 2) After entering the ship from name and address into fields 2-7 and then typing "SAME" in field 8, the system automatically copies this information into the pay to fields. Input this street if the vendor has a different pay to street address.
11. (Pay To City) After entering the ship from name and address into fields 2-7 and then typing "SAME" in field 8, the system automatically copies this information into the pay to fields. Input this city if the vendor has a different pay to city.
12. (Pay To State/Country Code) After entering the ship from name and address into fields 2-7 and typing "SAME" in field 8, the system automatically copies this information into the pay to fields. Input this code if the vendor has a different pay to state, country or providence. If the code does not exist, create a new code from this field.
13. (Pay To Zip or Postal Code) After entering the ship from name and address into fields 2-7 and then typing "SAME" in field 8, the system automatically copies this information into the pay to fields. Input this zip or postal code if the vendor has a different pay to zip or postal code.
14. (Vendor Contact) Input the name of the person to contact for this particular5 vendor. This name will appear with "Attn:" on purchase orders, memos and follow-up letters.
15. (Index) The index is used to search for the vendor number from field one. You may include several one-word index items by entering words separated by spaces. Two words connected by a hyphen will be considered one word. For example: For the company M&M Transportation, the index word could be "freight". To search for this vendor by index, input "??" from field one (1), choose search by index, and input "freight" as the search string. Any vendor with "freight" as an index work will be displayed.
16. (Sales Phone Number) Input the vendor's sales phone number (area code-prefix-number), i.e., 800-555-5555.
17. (Credit Phone Number) Input the vendor's credit department phone number (area code-prefix-number), i.e., 800-555-5555.
18. (Salesperson) Input the salesperson name that you would contact for this particular vendor.
19. (Credit Manager) Input the credit manager's name for this particular vendor.
20. (Vendor Type) This field is used to categorize vendors. For example, if you input a code such as "OF" for office supplies, and input this type code for all pertinent vendors, you could then print a vendor report of all your office supply vendors. Input "??" to access a list of all vendor types. If the code does not exist, you can create a new vendor type code from this field.
21. (Credit Terms) Input the credit terms code for this vendor. Input "??" to access a list of credit terms. If the code does not exist; create a new one from this field.
22. (F.O.B. Point) Input the point of origin for the goods and/or services. Free on board point is a commercial term referring to the location from which the risks and expenses pertaining to the goods pass from the seller to the buyer at the moment of loading. If goods purchased from this vendor do not include delivery, the F.O.B. point would be the ship from location of the vendor (in most cases).
23. (Credit Limit) Input the credit limit amount available to your company from this particular vendor. If no credit limit is available, press the Return key to leave this field blank.
24. (President/Owner) Input the president or owner of this particular vendor, if known and applicable.
25. (FAX or Telex Number) Input the vendor FAX or telex number, i.e., 714-555-5555
26. (Date First Purchased) The system will automatically enter this date when a purchase order or accounts payable item is created.
27. (Date Credit Line Established) Input the date you company established some form of open account with this vendor.
28. (Territory) Input the territory code for this vendor. Input "??" to access a list of territory codes. If the code does not exist, create a new code from this field.
29. (Customer Number) Input the customer or account number that this vendor has assigned your company, if applicable.
30. (Withholding Tax Code) Input the federal tax code for the vendor, if applicable. Input "??" to access a list of federal tax codes. If the code does not exist, create a new code from this field.
31. (Federal Tax ED Number) Input the tax 11) or social security number for the vendor, if applicable.
32. (Grace Period) Input the grace period for this vendor to inform the system of when to pay accounts payable items for this vendor. For example: You are using the system-generated cash disbursement procedure (CD-2) and you have Net 30 day terms with a -5 as the grace period. 'no system will notify you to pay the accounts payable item from this vendor 25 days after receipt of the invoice.
33. (Sales Tax Code) Input the sales tax code for this particular vendor, if applicable. Input a "??" to access a list of tax codes. If the code does not exist, create a new one from this field.
34. (Special Handling) Input the special handling code. for this vendor. This code will enable reports and check runs to be produced for a specific handling code. Input "??" to access a list of special handling codes. If the code does not exist, create a new one from this field.
35. (Sort Code) Input the sort code for this vendor. This code will enable reports and check runs to be produced for a specific, several or all sort codes. Input "??" to access a list of sort codes. If the code does not exist, create a new one from this field.
36. (Bank Code) Input the bank code for this vendor. This code indicates the bank account from which cash will be disbursed to pay this vendor. ne code will also inform the system that this vendor can only be paid from this particular bank code. No code in this field indicates that this vendor can be paid from any bank account. Input "??" for a list of bank codes.
  • Input /F to file the vendor.
Helpful Commands:
  • Input ? to access the Screen Help Directory.
  • Input /EC (Edit Code command) from code fields to create and edit codes.
  • Input /C (Comment command) to enter miscellaneous information for the vendor. To return to the vendor screen press the Escape key ([) followed by a Return.