Step-by-Step Instructions

REC-1 (Input or Correction of Receiver)


(Receiver Number) Press Shift 3 (#) for a receiver number. Write this number on your packing slip.
2. (Receiver Date) Press "T" for today's date, or input the month, date and year (MM-DD-YY).
3. (Purchase Order Number) Input the purchase order number that you are receiving these items from.
4. (Packing Slip Number) Input the packing slip number shown on the packing slip or invoice. If there is no number, input the date or "None".
5. (Vendor Name) The vendor name will be displayed when you input the purchase order number in field 3.
6. (Purchase Order Date) The order date will be displayed when you input the purchase order number in field 3.
7. (Quote #) The quote number that was filed for the purchase order will be displayed when you input the purchase order number in field 3.
8. (Line Number) This field distinguishes the line number. The arrow (-->) next to the line number indicates your line position. To go to a different line, enter the line number you desire. The arrow will then go to the line you entered. You must be at field 8. If you are receiving an item listed on line 3, go to field 8 by entering /8 and then input 3. Ile arrow will move to line 3, and you can then enter the quantity received.
9. (Inventory Number) The inventory number will be displayed from the purchase order when you input the packing slip number in field 4.
10. (Description) Display Only. T'he system displays the description of the inventory item entered in field 9.
11. (Unit) Display Only. The system displays the unit of measure for the inventory item entered in field 9.
12. (Quantity Open) Display Only. The system will display the quantity open for the inventory item.
13. (Packing Slip Quantity Received) Input the quantity received for this particular item, as listed on the packing slip.
14. (Actual Quantity Received) When you input the packing slip quantity into field 13, the quantity will also be entered into this field. If this is not the actual quantity received, input the correct quantity at this field. The system will generate a memo for this discrepancy.
Helpful Commands:
  • Input ? to access the Screen Help Directory.
  • Input /EC (Edit Code command) from code fields to create and edit codes.
  • Input /C (Comment command) to enter miscellaneous information for the vendor. To return to the vendor screen press the Escape key ([) followed by a Return.

* Input /F to file the receiver.

If the packing slip quantity (field 13) and the quantity open (field 12) do not match:
  • The system will inform you that an error has been detected and take you to an error screen. This screen lists your choices for solving the discrepancy. You can increase the purchase order, acknowledge an error in the vendor's favor or acknowledge a user error.

  • If you have made a mistake entering information into the receiver, Return to the receiver, make the correction and re-file.
  • If you discover the error is in the vendor's favor, choose the vendor error choice, and the system will create a debit memo to send to the vendor. Note the memo number at the bottom of the screen. Refer to the Memo Directory to print the memo.

If the quantity open (field 12) and the actual quantity received (field 14) do not match:

  • The purchase order will remain open. When the remaining goods are received, you must create a new receiver to record the remaining or additional quantities.

  • To do this, follow the same steps for entering a new receiver. Enter the same purchase order number that you entered for the first receipt of goods and the current packing slip number. The system will display the remaining quantities open for this purchase order. Input the quantity received.

*Input /F to file.

To Correct a Receiver:

1. At field one (1) input the receiver # you want to correct.

2. Go to the field you want to change via /n (n = field)

3. Input new information.

4. Input /F to file the corrections.

To Cancel or Remove a Receiver:

1. Follow same steps for correcting a receiver.

2. Go to field 13 (via /13), and input zero (0) for the packing slip quantity received.

3. Input /F to file.