Step-by-Step Instructions

PROD-3 (Disassembly Input Screen)


(Disassembly Number) Press Shift 3 (#) for a disassembly number.
2. (Production Location) Input the location number where you want the disassembled parts to be stored. Input "??" to display all of your company locations.

(Assembly ID) Input the inventory number you want to disassemble. Refer to the upper level inventory number on the Bill of Materials for this item, or input "??" to search for the assembly ID.

4. (Quantity to Disassemble) Input the quantity of items you want to disassemble. This amount must be less than or equal to the assembled quantity on hand in field 6.
5. (Unit Cost) Display Only. The system displays the actual cost of the assembled item.
6. (Assembly Location Quantity on Hand) Display Only. The system displays the quantity on hand of assembled items at the assembly location.
7. (Difference between Assembly & Component Extended Cost) The system will display the difference between the assembly and the component extended costs. As you change the cost of individual components, this amount will change. The difference must be zero to file this disassembly. The /CALC command will inform you of the adjusted price change. See field 12.
8. (Line Number) This field distinguishes the line number. The arrow (-->) next to the line number indicates your line position. To go to a different line input the line number you desire. You must be in field 8.
9. (Component ID and Description) Display Only. Tle system displays the components for the assembly ID according to the Bill of Materials.
10. (Unit of Measure) Display Only. The system displays the unit of measure for each component.
11. (Quantity in Assembly) Display Only. The system displays the quantity of this component to disassemble (for each assembly).
12. (Location Actual Cost) The system displays the location actual cost for each component. If the difference between the original assembly and the disassembly is not zero, change the actual cost for one or more of the components. Calculate the difference or utilize the /CALC command, and the system will automatically calculate the difference for the component that the arrow is positioned to. This calculation will give you the amount to input in this field to balance the assembly and component extended costs.
13. (Location Quantity on Hand) Display Only. The system displays the quantity of component parts on hand after disassembly.
  • Input /F to file the disassembly.