Step-by-Step Instructions

PROD-2 (Build an Assembly)

You must use this procedure to assemble upper level inventory items if there is a list of Bill of Materials for the item ID. Refer to the Bill of Material report found in the Bill of Material Directory.


(Assembler Number) Press Shift 3 (#) for an assembler number.
2. (Production Location) Input the location number that you want the assembled product to be assembled in. Input "??" to display all company locations.
3. (Assembly ID) Input the inventory number you want to assemble. Refer to the upper level inventory number on the Bill of Materials for this item, or input "??" to search for the assembly ID.
4. (Number of Assemblies To Build) Input the quantity of items you want to build.
5. (Assembly Location Quantity on Hand) Display Only. The system displays the location quantity on hand for the assembly ID entered in field 3.
6. (Line Number) This field distinguishes the line number. The arrow (-->) next to the line number indicates your line position. To go to a different line, input the line number you desire. You must be at field 6.
7. (Component ID) Display Only. The system displays the components for the assembly ID according to the Bill of Materials.
8. (Description) Display Only. The system displays the description for each component listed in field 7.
9. (Unit) Display Only. The system displays the unit of measure for each component listed in field 7.
10. (Quantity Needed) The system will display the quantity needed for each component in order to assemble the number of products listed in field 4.
11. (Location Quantity on Hand) Display Only. The system displays the location quantity on hand for each component.
  • Input /F to file the assembly.
If you do not have enough quantities for a particular inventory number:

The system will inform you if there are insufficient quantities on hand for a specific assembly. You can then change the number of assemblies entered in field 4, according to the component quantifies on hand. Or you can choose another location (field 2), if applicable, to build this assembly. If an adjustment is necessary, go to the Inventory Adjustment screen (IA-1), and then return to this PROD-2 screen to create the assembly.

If you built an assembly in error or wish to back out an assembly:

  • Access PROD-2. Input the assembly number into field 1.
  • Input /B to back out the assembly.
  • At the prompt "Are you sure you want to disassemble this part (Y/N)" input Y for yes.

Note: The disassembly will be posted to the current accounting period to which the system is set.